Sunday, April 7, 2013

Week seven was the sexuality week. I think what I thought was most interesting was when we introduce our children to sex. I always thought that we should do this by the age of twelve or something like that, but we learned that we should be introducing in small amounts to children 8 years and younger. If you really think about it it makes sense. I heard about sexual things by the time I was in third grade. My mom and dad had told me nothing of that subject, so alot of what I learned were from my friends. Simple introductions to affection when the children are younger will help them have true knowledge of sexual things. Also, another thing I thought was really valuable, is that when people have "the talk" with their kids, they shouldn't act nervous or afraid  Kids can tell when parents feel that way. If they feel as if their parents do not want to talk about this subject, then they will not go to them when they have a question. They will go to other sources which will lead to very dangerous path. Parents need to be comfortable with their kids with this subject to that they can help them

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